Lower Key Stage 2
General Learning
General Learning Packs including maths and english - Classroom Secrets
Free Home Learning Packs - Classroom Secrets
Poetry to read, discuss and interpret - Poetry by Heart
To listen and learn to recite poetry - Poetry Archive
Active Learning Primary - Phonics
Year 2 spelling words to practice
Practice the Year 3 and 4 spelling in a spooky setting!
Year 3/4 spelling words to practice
Game for applying spelling rules from singular to plural
Make new words using prefixes and suffixes! Is is a real word?
Revision when the 'sh' sound spelt with 'ch'
Revision of 'i' sound spelt with 'y'
Revision when the 'uh' sound spelt with 'ou'
A fun spelling game including vowel digraphs!
Place the words in alphabetical order
White Rose Maths Home Learning
Free Hamilton Trust Learning Packs
PlanBee Home Learning Maths Pack
Play deductive reasoning game! Read the passage from the book and use the information to escape!
A great website to choose books with a different genre.
Listen to a range of stories free!
A range of fiction and non-fiction books to read.
Listen to a world of David Walliams books!
Locate the information in the text to set yourself free!
Read the instructions to find where you need to go!
Choose a title, image and text for each text type.
Edit the comic book adventure to make the story more interesting!
Choose a story, listen to it and then create questions to ask a family member!
Proof read the story and make any edits!
Identify nouns and feed the fish!
Free the nouns and adjectives!
Identify verbs and nouns in sentences.
Linking verbs to their synonym activity
Speech activity including nouns, adjectives and verbs!
Revision of fronted adverbials
Be an editor! Improve your choice of nouns and adjectives in a story before it is published!
Activity matching words to synonyms and antonyms.
Lots of English activities online!
Sentence / Writing Work
Pobble365 - images for creative writing.
What is wrong with the sentence?
Revision of 'What are paragraphs?'
Building paragraphs activities
Punctuate the sentences! Challenge: Write your own sentences!
Three punctuation games. Identify the missing punctuation and set them free!
Choose from different text types and punctuate them!
Financial Questionnaire - only complete at school with your teacher
Science Museum Group Home Learning Activities
WOW Science - Science topics and STEM investigations
BBC History KS2 Information Clips
Horrible History - Rotten Roman YouTube Clips
Rotten Romans - Horrible History Clip
Introduction to Romans - Horrible History
Horrible History - Romans Hospitals
Horrible History - Tiberius fears assassian
Horrible History - Julius Caesar